Sunday, October 14, 2012

Night time blessings!

James has been a great sleeper so far, really only getting up once a night most days. If he is swaddled, he is happy to sleep. But the last two nights he has slept even better, thanks to these miracle baby items.
Robert the lamb.... Named by Patrick, so we call him "bob" or "baaaaaaab". This thing hangs on the crib and plays noises like waves, whales and a heartbeat. James is a fan of the waves and will happily lay there after a feeding even if he isn't quite ready to go back to sleep. By the time the waves end, he is snoring away!
Love it!
The second item is a sleep sack. Mom and I went to a second hand sale on Friday called "just between friends" and picked up some things for all 3 boys. James got a couple of warmer sleep items including this fleece sack. He wore it last night with a swaddle over his torso to hold his arms and make him feel safe and sleep for 6 hours straight!
Is that a fashion statement or what?!?

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