Friday, July 10, 2015

Landon's Mallards Night

For Landon's birthday we suggesting taking him to his first Mallards game. We decided to bring James along but leave Isaac at home. It was a great decision and fun for James to be the little kid for a night. It was a great time! 

We had great seats and lots of room to spread out. 
James played musical chairs a bit and loved that each seat had a number. 

Both boys got pretty much whatever they wanted for the evening... case and point, James ate popcorn for dinner... well popcorn and a few cheese curds! 

Patrick and Landon, Lj wearing his new hat! 

Hat switcheroo! 

Jimmy and his "dinner" 

5th inning treats ... James would not touch Landon's cotton candy, but was thrilled with rainbow candy coated popcorn! (Parents of the year, right?!?) 


Landon purchased a duck whistle with his own money and Jimmy was happy to help him use it. 
Nothing like getting your neck yanked by a 2 year old who wants to blow your whistle! 

The game was long and we had no shortage of water --- I kept saying, "Fuller, go easy on the Pepsi!" 
It was a great night and we will be excited to go again! 

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