Monday, May 18, 2015

Ronald McDonald Dinner

Before our kids were born, Jeff, Jenny, Patrick and I started volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House --- making dinners on occasion for the families that stayed there. It was really fun and such a great way to support these families. 
Enter 3 children and a few years/ months off...

But I am happy to say, Jeff got us back on the calendar and we made a meal last week. 

Jenny was out of town for work, so we were down a volunteer AND had the added challenge of James and Isaac being there... (thanks Bridget for keeping Leo a few extra hours!) 
We got James engaged pretty fast - he was happy to stand on a chair and "help". 
Isaac mostly just crawled around on the kitchen and getting his fingers pinches in cabinets and drawers. :) 

The highlight of the night for James - motion sensor garbage cans - MAGIC! 

A successful meal was served on time! 

And no trip would be complete without a quick stop to see Ronald. 
James would have nothing to do with him - but Isaac wasn't afraid! 

We'll be back again soon!

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